Algae Bio Diesel

ALGAE FOR CARS: Why not, oil is decomposed organic material, long ago converted from the sun... The main issue is not whether fuel can be extracted from organic material; whiskey and ethanol from corn, vodka from potatos etc... Algae can produce fuel, but how much and at what cost. Microbiotic's combined with fuel stock can convert garbage into gold. Closed end systems with microbiotic loops will become the energy production standard of the future. I think that the algae is a remarkable realization, and now the marketplace can speak up and find uses..

Imperium Renewables, is bringing renewable fuel to everyone through technology innovation. With less than 3% of the world's reserves, because the USA consumes over 25% of the world's petroleum production and our dependence is growing. World wide growth in demand for petroleum exceeds growth in supply. The economic, environmental, and security implications of our consumption are mounting, threatening every aspect of life in America and around the world. We believe there is a better way - renewable fuels, especially Biodiesel.Solazyme, Inc., and Imperium Renewables, Inc. have entered Into a Biodiesel Feedstock Development Agreement

In which Solazyme will generate algae oil for Imperium's biodiesel production process. Under the agreement Solazyme will grow its proprietary strains of microalgae, extract the oil, and dell conliver it to Imperium. Imperium wivert the feedstock oil using its proprietary technology into biodiesel fuel in its Seattle plant.

Algae can be incorporated into numerous renewable energy stategies, and from what I understand the by product makes a tasty treat for cows...


Unknown said…
From what I have read about solazyme, they plan to use sugar cane, and or other sugar products to produce algae in the dark without photosynthesis. Richard Branson has had a change of heart about using biofuels that take food off the table and is leaning toward algae biofuels as a possible alternative. As Virgin Airlines is partnered with Boeing and Imperium, using sugar would for algae would violate what he now wishes to stand up for. There are allot of other movements to take food stuffs out of biofuels and put them back on the table to fill the worlds increasing demand. Valcent Products (, uses only sunlight, carbon, and a little water, in a closed loop system to produce 33,000 gallons of algae biodiesel per acre while carbon back into growing more algae. Sounds like a better alternative for renewable no food stuff, non polluting biofuel.