Solar Balloons

Two examples of solar balloons being used to generate power are the Magenn Solar Blimp and Sky Panels. The Magenn, called the 'M.A.R.S' - a fantastic acronym for the Magenn Power Air Rotor System - which promises lower costs, better performance, and enhanced environmental benefit. The turbine is a lighter than air blimp, which rotates around a horizontal axis. A unique design orients the blimp into the wind. One of the interesting facets of this technology, is that as it is anchored to the ground by a 1000 foot cable, the MARS could be anywhere up to 707 ft from its base. And Sky Panels which basic idea is a string of large helium balloons coated with solar panels and tethered together. The cord that connects them to each other and to the ground has two additional functions, delivering helium to the balloon, and pulling electricity back down to earth.
